Called to


Community Groups

These are groups of people who are meeting in homes and local businesses in order to study God’s word, share their lives together, and show what God is doing in others. The size of each group will grow until 10-15 people are coming regularly and then they multiply by equipping a leader to start a new group in order to reach more people with God’s Love. Each of these groups will mirror the values of being Gospel Centered, Called to Community, and Sent to Share God’s Love.

NEW Community Groups, kicking off the week of September 11th-15th

More information coming soon!

To learn more or to sign up click the button below:

Sent to Share

Local Missions

Sent To Share Ministry

This outreach component of Cross Community Church is focused on Sharing God’s Love outside the walls of our meeting spaces and impacting the community by introducing the Gospel to our community at their points of need. Jesus met a vast variety of needs and we seek to do the same by carrying God’s love with us everywhere we go and allowing others to experience the life changing love of Jesus. We will be His witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth by going on mission with Christ.

2024 Drive- Through Prayer Events

February 24th 9am-12pm
April 21st 9am-12pm

2024 Prayer Walk Events

February 24th 1:30pm-3:30pm
April 21st 1:30pm-3:30pm

We are looking for volunteers for these prayer events, so please sign up below:

Local Mission


  • 1 in 4 children in South Georgia live in homes where having enough food is a struggle every day. P.A.C.K. is committed to packing and delivering over 10,000 bags a month to children in Chatham county and the surrounding areas.

    We will help this great organization in their efforts to help share the Love of Jesus in our community by meeting physical needs in an effort to shine the light of Jesus and share the hope of Jesus.

  • The Savannah Baptist Center exists to bring glory to God by bringing churches, groups and individuals together to serve and meet the needs of our community. We will provide support and people resources to help them meet needs in our community.

  • Jobs for Life engages and equips the Church to prepare individuals for meaningful work by mobilizing a worldwide network of volunteers, churches, and businesses committed to applying biblically based training and mentoring relationships. Jobs for Life helps those in need find dignity and purpose through meaningful work. We will look for those in need around us who are willing to let us invest in them and introduce the gospel into their greatest need and watch God change lives, one life at a time.

  • Read Georgia is a program where churches partner with local schools to work one-on-one with children with literacy skills. We will partner with local elementary schools to help 2nd graders who are reading below grade level. We want to help them achieve better results in their reading skills. We also desire to see them introduced to the tangible love of Jesus through being His Hands and His Feet in the community.

  • The Old Savannah City Mission is a local 501(c)(3) funded by people who care about the less fortunate and demonstrate it by giving of their time, talent and treasure.

    The Mission works with a bare-bone Staff of seven employees. This community’s dedicated servants work with hundreds of volunteers to deliver services to Savannah’s most vulnerable and needy citizens in a highly cost effective way.

    Learn More Here